We bring technologies together.


Design/ Development


elektronik design


A multi-disciplinary team of experienced engineers and technicians offer their support in all phases of a project, from defining customer specifications and creating a first concept to hard and software development or definition of adequate mounting technologies. Well-established project management ensures calculable and controllable development costs.

If you have attempted to create solutions for your product, our engineers will continue to develop where you left off.
Simply send us a circuit diagram along with the necessary parameters and CAD details. We will make the appropriate design and create the layout for the printed circuit board - using Protel Altium or Cadsoft Eagle. In this process we always ensure parts availability, producibility of design and product testability. 

Our scope of services:

  • Circuit layout
  • Definition of the mounting and interconnection technologies
  • Selection of components and alternatives
  • Optimation of design according to costs, fabrication and testing
  • Prototyping and series production
  • Accelerated Life Test and EMC testing
  • Implementation of reviews
  • Long-time experience in manufacturing and highly complex layouts
  • Optimization comprehensive test concepts
  • Extended comprehensive customer documentation