Pollen Monitor information
The Helmut Hund GmbH presents the automated Pollen Monitoring System worldwide: POMO® - BAA500e & BAA502
The solution
In cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT), Sankt Augustin and the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM), Hannover, Helmut Hund GmbH has developed the BAA500 (Bio Aerosol Analyzer) and reached series production readiness.
The BAA500 offers the following features and benefits:
- High-precision results in real-time
- Independent of temperatures and seasons
- Fully automated process
- Data transfer via internet and app
- Subsequent result verification and identification of new pollen species possible
The new generation of Pollen Monitoring Systems
We are proud to present the newest member of our Pollen Monitor BAA500 model range: The BAA500e and the BAA502.
Based on 20 years of pioneer work in automated pollen monitoring, the systems BAA500e and BAA502 use morphological design features as the most effective method for different pollen species. In this way, the procedure for pollen analysis by human pollen counters has been automated. All devices of the POMO series feature automatic sampling, optical measurement, image analysis and archiving of bioaerosol images such as pollen, bacteria and spores.
As an add-on to the existing software solution, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm allows the classifier to evaluate millions of features. Thus, the user may choose between the classical, feature-based approach and our new POMO-AI solution.
You can find more information about the features and benefits of the BAA500e and BAA502 here:
Widespread disease pollen allergy
Pollen allergies have become a widespread disease. Every year, during the bloom of many plants, about 30% of the citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany suffer from acute symptoms that reach from allergic rhinitis to life-threatening anaphylactic shocks. Not least because of new or extremely aggressive pollen like Ambrosia, the life quality of allergy sufferers is heavily distressed (Ragweed or Ambrosia artemisiifolia).
For their daily routine, allergic persons strongly depend on up-to-date information about pollen counts in their area (pollen monitoring), e. g. to adjust their daily medications or to plan their open-air activities.
The method used today for the collection and analysis of pollen is manual and causes delays and inaccuracies in the results. The pollen traps are not emptied on a daily base and the analysis under a microscope depends on the experience of the pollen counter.
An outstanding tool for clinical tests
Within the framework of clinical studies or for the investigating of patients’ reactions on allergic reactions on pollen including the effectiveness of medicaments and the correlation of discomfort and pollen concentration is of high importance. By means of the BAA 500 both, the speed and accuracy of investigations are significantly enhanced
With the help of our Pollen Monitor BAA500, it is possible to implement automatic pollen monitoring. An electronical pollen information system can determine the pollen count on various locations and can be used for a pollen forecast by the data collected on site.